“Prairie Gold” is featured in the magazine “The Quilt Scene” during the International Quilt Festival in Houston.
“Gulf Coast” is on display at the “Florida in Fabric II, Wish You Were Here!” show at the Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts Gallery in Melbourne Florida.
All events free and open to the public
Rose Room Gallery, Peabody Auditorium
600 Auditorium Blvd., Daytona Beach
Contact: Mary McBride, 736-3039 or 948-0819
The Rose Room Gallery of Peabody Auditorium ends its fall series of solo artists’ exhibitions with Textiles in Motions, featuring works by Marianne Williamson of Miami. The exhibit opens on December 4 and ends January 4. There is an artist’s reception, including a discussion and demonstration of her techniques on January 4 from 12 Noon to 2 PM with wine and refreshments. All events are free and open to the public.
Williamson’s work is driven by her philosophy. She says, “Life is always changing in one way or another and the world around me is always moving, swaying in the breeze, or changed by light. Light and movement are the main subjects that I have been portraying all my life.” Continue Reading
The quilts in this exhibition are contemporary in nature and do not necessarily follow the rules of traditional quilts. The artists who created these incredibly beautiful and unique quilts push the boundaries with their quilt art, they explore design, concepts and ideas in a distinctly different way of working from the traditional approach to the craft. Their creativity, sense of design and color, plus their close attention to detail and excellent craftsmanship honors the creative efforts evident in the entire spectrum of quilt making. Read entire blog post….
What: Six Views in Fiber: Six South Florida SAQA Artists Explore Contemporary Textile Applications.
Size: 40 + pieces.
Artists: Melani Kane Brewer, Andrea Huffman, Candice Phelan, Maya Schonenberger, Catherine Waltz, and Marianne R. Williamson.
Gallery: Coconut Grove Art Festival Gallery, Coconut Grove, FL http://www.cgaf.com
Dates: September 7 – October 21, 2013
Artist receptions during First-Saturday Gallery Walk nights: Sept. 7 and Oct. 5, 7-10 pm.